The British Medical Association family doctor guide to diabetes
Bilous, Rudy W.1999
Books, Manuscripts
This BMA series is a collection of concise, authoritative books on a wide range of medical and health issues. Each book provides information in clear, jargon free language, and includes case histories and questions and answers. This is an up-to-date reference source on diabetes, providing case histories, key points, questions, answers and practical tips for overcoming problems. It includes the latest advances in diagnosis and treatment as well as practical self-help advice and preventive measures. The book is one of a series on a wide range of medical and health issues which covers common complaints and illnesses, such as asthma and heart disease as well as more general health topics, such as nutrition and travel health. Addresses of useful organisations appear at the end of each book.
The British Medical Association family doctor guide to diabetes / Rudy W. Bilous ; medical editor, Tony Smith.
London : Dorling Kindersley, 1999.
96p. : col. ill. ; 21 cm.
Includes index.
9780751306859 (pbk)