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Download the App from the App Store / Google Play

image of the app on apple store

Open the App and you will be asked to  Select Library

Image to show select library

Select  London Borough of Camden

Image to show the option London Borough of Camden

You should now see the main screen. 

image of the main screen

Enter your card number under Borrower ID and Pin under Password. Now select your local Library and Login.

Image of the log in screen

You will be taken to your account. To access the barcode and number for your account , select the hamburger menu and go to Borrower Barcode.

Image of your account

To see your items on loan. Select  to see the list of items.

image of items out

You can not update any personal details through the app.

You can renew individual, selection or all items. There are occasions you can not renew your items or the renewal may be restricted.

From the item select Renew

image of individual renewal

Alternatively from the list of items select Edit.

image of selection

Tick the boxes of the items you wish to renew 

Image of multiple renewals

and select Done.

image showing tick boxes

You will be asked to confirm or cancel. If you confirm and there are any issues then you will see an alert. Always check the return date when you renew an item.

image of confirmation

View my active saved list